
Jet Sprint Races

Wairarapa Jet Sprint

The Tauherenikau Racecourse and Events Centre is also home to the Wairarapa jet sprinting track. Boats measuring only 12 feet long, with engines of up to 1500hp, battle it out in a specially built track in the middle of the racetrack.

Bring your family, bring a blanket and a picnic and be entertained by one of the fastest machines on the planet reaching speeds of 140km in under 2 seconds.

Watch as they navigate their way around the tight channels on the Kiwispan Jetsprint track which is about the size of a rugby field, all of the teams pushing hard for the ultimate glory of winning.

 Mark Sunday, December 1st 2024 in your dairy and keep an eye on the New Zealand Jetsprint Championship website for details.